In typical Pittsburgh summer fashion, it was hot and muggy. Sweat started to drip off my face and I could feel my blood pressure rising as I shouted, "Not that angle, I've already told you, it's not flattering!" "It is a cool angle....", proclaimed my boyfriend trying to take the photo from the bottom-up. To which I responded, "No it's not! I think I know a thing or two about taking flattering photos of myself; I used to live in Los Angeles!" Then enters the meltdown. The boyfriend and I looked at each other (he's such a sport) and we broke into laughter at the absurdity of my comment. I proceeded to be grumpy for the rest of the walk.
I want to write. I feel most comfortable doing so through blogging. In the blogging world especially lifestyle and personal blogs, readers want to see the faces of those who write the blog. It personalizes it. Yet I, like every other girl in this terribly vain and superficial world, struggle with my weight and confidence in my appearance. Regardless, I understand that most success involves some sort of public image in this day and age. I also hold the personal belief that brands should personify.
I've been dwelling on writing this post for while now, in the spirt of #fearbusting and transparency, I decided to go ahead; goof ball images and all. I was recently inspired by Jordan of Ramshackle Glam in her article, "Selfies and getting over it," to move forward.
I'm fear busting these insecurities by taking action.
First step... posting my awkward photos....and...... the world did not end. Whew!
Next Step... improve my commitment to fitness. I've signed up to run the 10k at the Great Race followed by (if everything goes according to plan) a half marathon in Berkeley California. I'm trying to cut back my drinking, limiting those after work cocktails while watching Netflix. They are a lot of calories and just not worth it for me. And, I'm becoming a vegetarian again.
Lastly, through this process, my photography skills have increasingly been bothering me. They just aren't up to par. I keep having to remind myself that photography is like driving a stick shift, it is going to take years of practice before I get it right. I still stall regularly and have been driving that darn car of mine for two years. In the meantime, I've decided to try to take at least 3 Instragram photos a day… Feel free to give advice. I'm also hoping my sister will give me a tutorial on using my new camera via Skype.
And if I haven't tested my boundaries far enough below is a personal photo I sent to my best friend Clare after a botched dental procedure and one very swollen cheek.
The point of all of this--- is that we are human. That it is important to be honest and if this is something I really want to do (which it is) then I need to get over the fear. Hopefully along the way, I will inspire others to start that blog they've been always wanting to start.
There is no better time than the present. It is much easier to be the critic than it is to be the creator.