While the travel posts are running about 3 months behind, I've been enjoying my time at home in Northern California. If you've been following me on instagram then you are probably able to predict how the travel-log is going to continue.
I love the peace found in the woods, or on the ridge of river mountains and the air feels, oh so, familiar. I spend my days with family and friends; people I was only able to see once a year when I lived in Pittsburgh. On the other hand, I deeply miss the 'burgh and the people I left there.
I should have been better about gathering style posts along my travels but... what can you do? I'm only human and this is a new venture for me. However, here are some fun, sunny Northern California winter photos.
uhh that's a splinter...
Everyone needs a good flannel, if not two. And yes this is the outfit I tweeted about. Do you have clothing like this? Cherished relics from a former relationships? When a break-up goes down items get left behind and there are just some things we don't want to give back... This particular ex has a favorite earring of mine that I had to say farewell too! I figured this flannel was a good enough trade :P
Best Christmas present ever from the seesters.
These are some of my basics, tall boots, knee socks, and a grey scarf. You can always continue to layer with leg warmers, jackets, etc.
Never give me an axe... it's dangerous.