For those of you who have been reading along for the last three years you’ve seen some ups, some downs and a lot of quiet space. Thank you for your patience! I promise you there is a lot to look forward to in the New Year! For starters, I leave for the Philippines in a few days!!! If you’ve been following my instagram stories you’ve probably noticed that I’ve been adventuring to S.F. a lot more this year and familiarizing myself with their art market. There’s going to be copious amounts art + travel in the New Year with a sprinkling of wellness.
I’ve totally joined the trendy wellness bandwagon! My gut tells me, 2018 is going to be a year of wellness and best practices. I have a few theories on this: one, as millennials age, we are slowly transitioning into our 30’s and unlike the generations before us we all have various platforms to document and share this change. That’s not to say there wasn’t myspace and Livejournal for Gen X’ers but the culture was vastly different. Statistically, millenials are getting married later and waiting to have children. Instead of raising babies... What have we been doing for the last few years? We’ve been collecting experiences like they are going out of style. We’ve been travelling, living out of vans, working on our careers and searching for our inner artists.
In a world where experiences are currency, we have access to a wealth of information and the world is changing faster than ever before- we have to realign our priorities. This is our version of the industrial revolution
What are some of your resolutions this year (thanks to those of you who shared on IG)? Did you uncover any new interests last year? Have any big plans you’re looking forward too? Let me know in the comments in below!